Personal training takes place in Barnsley and the surrounding areas.  I can travel to you, or you can come to me.


All workouts are put together to meet the needs of the individual and the method that is most likely to get best results for the person doing personal training.


Below are a few examples of results seen by people who tried the personal training.

Changes 4 weeks apart

15 pounds in weight lost and 31cm lost from customer age 42 from personal training, this was achieved in 4 weeks.

4 stones lost in 5 months

Changes for 35 year old mum of 3 seen from personal training.

Changes in 4 weeks

11 pounds in weight and 35cm lost overall for 34 year old mum of 2 from personal training.

Huge reductions from personal training

Changes in a matter of weeks for 36 year old mum of 3 from personal training in the home.

Changes in 5 weeks from personal training

9 stone 13 down to 9 stone 3 and 44cm reduction from personal training, much of reduction coming from lower tummy and tops of legs.

Tummy toning for customer age 58

Lower tummy reduced for customer from personal training, if you are over the age of 40 or 50 you need to be doing something that works for other people like you.

Results for the over 50s and over 60s

Changes seen in 6 weeks for Jane age 61 from personal training.

Results for people in their 20s too

People in their 20s see very quick results from personal training (as you would expect) one of the photos shows 24 year old mum of 2 (wearing all blue) changes she saw in 2 weeks.


The other photo (black trousers and blue trousers) shows customer age 21 and changes she saw 7 days apart from personal training.


General information

It is recommended that when doing personal training customers make the switch to healthy eating.


Diets are not recommended because I don't think diets work, i think (I could be wrong) diets make people fat, because if you can make people fatter then they need to pay for a diet, to become slimmer, but they become fat, so they need a diet which makes them fatter (brilliant business model).


Instead, I recommend my customers make the switch to healthy eating and to help with this I have recipes for stir fries, curries, soups, omellete, slow cook meals.


There are 30 different recipes and below are a few examples (click on each photo for a better description),




Feed an entire family good food for the cost of ONE burger  for you to enjoy by yourself at the local burger shop.

(chips and fizzy drink not included)

The first photo is red pepper chilli con carni, and like many of the recipes you can feed an entire family good food for the cost of one burger (for you only) at the burger shop.


The 2nd photo is slow cook chicken curry which has a preperation time of 5 minutes, once you know which everyday spices to use creating these recipes is a doddle.


There are 30 different recipes.


All with easy to follow instructions.


If you would like these recipes to use alongside your own method of training please get in touch.


All 30 recipes = £25


Trial recipes (pea soup, red pepper chilli con carni) and morning shake recipes = £5


Recipes to be sent to your email address.


Would you like to try personal training?

Give me a call and tell me what your goals are, workouts are put together based on your needs.


Train by yourself or train with a friend to reduce costs.


  • £30 per session.
  • £17 per session per person if training with a friend.
  • Online personal training = £20


Contact details

07400 572300




Online options

Train at home at any time to suit you, no equipment needed.

  • 1 workout £5
  • 3 workouts £10
  • 10 workouts £15

Please enquire about this option.